It is once again time to seek the support of our community.
On November 5th, 2019 voters will see a replacement levy on the ballot for Pleasant Valley Joint Fire District. This is the same 10 mill levy that has been voted on every 5 years by the taxpayers and has funded the department since 1994. While it isn’t an increase in millage, a small increase in the taxes that are paid will be realized due to the increase in property valuation. Residents should expect to see an ANNUAL increase of $22.05 per $100,000 of Property Valuation if the levy is approved. This slight rise in monies helps us to offset the growth in the operating costs of the Fire District.
The original leaders of our organization developed a solid fiscal foundation which allows PVJFD to provide numerous services for our residents. We have been able to increase our capabilities, purchase needed equipment, and maintain our high level of care without incurring any debt. Over the next few weeks, we will provide additional information to help make voting for the Fire Levy an easy choice. In the meantime, if you have questions or would just like to learn more about the Pleasant Valley Fire District, please reach out to one of our members, stop by the station, or contact us by phone: (614) 873-4067 or email:
Thank you for your support,
Chief Kidd
Copyright © 2025 All rights Reserved. Pleasant Valley Fire District.
650 West Main Street Plain City, Ohio 43064